Friday, 12 October 2012

Viz Migging!

Viz migging is the pastime of watching and counting the numbers of birds flying overhead when migrating - visible migration, hence viz migging.

Over night easterlies with very heavy rain resulted in good conditions for such a movement of birds over Howick this morning.

After checking a woefully quiet moth trap, it became apparent that birds were dropping in around the garden. Its days like these when work seems to get in the way, but I stood on our drive counting from 07.45am - 0815am before the work bell rang....

Redwing 428 ( in groups of up to 80)
Fieldfare 5
Blackbird 30
Song Thrush 12
Lapwing 8
Snipe 1

All newly arrived from Scandinavia, amazing.

Lapwings on the move.

News this evening  - Red breasted Flycatcher at Low Newton, Black Redstart Newton Point, Olive backed Pipit Farne Islands.

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