Monday, 27 January 2014

Late news from coastal sites . .....

Friday (24th Jan) was spent counting geese around Budle Bay and the southern end of Fenham Flats.  The Barnacle geese remain in pastures around Budle Bay with a small number of light bellied brent.  The main activity were in grass pastures on Elwick and Smeafield where there was a flock of 1700 pink footed geese and 750 light bellied brent.  The flock also held 1 barnacle and 1 Greenland white-fronted goose.  Wild bird seed mix plots held at least 70 tree sparrows, 30 goldfinches and 60+ linnets as well yellowhammers, greenfinches and grey partridge.

The following day was spent walking around Ross Farm.  Highlights were 240 Barnacle geese, 1 long-eared owl, 14+ woodcock, 9 grey partridge, 2 common buzzard, 12+ tree sparrows and a flock of 40+ linnets.

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